Your Baby
rom now until the end of your pregnancy, your baby will gain weight faster than he'll increase in length. By now the baby's lungs and digestive tract are nearly mature. Your baby's irises can now dilate and contract in response to light. Due to the deposits of white fat underneath the skin your baby's skin is no longer red, but is now the wonderful newborn pink color. His fingernails may reach the end of the hands, too. Your baby is now a little over 3 pounds and is 16 inches long.You may worry that, if you are breathless from walking or sometimes even just sitting that your baby is in danger. This is not true. Your baby is getting plenty of oxygen from your placenta.
Your Body
Your abdomen may be aching as it swells and your rib cage and pelvis may be sore as the baby gets bigger and fills up all the space you have available. It's a wonderful thing that your baby is growing so well, but it may not feel that way. You will find yourself with lots of aches and pains from the pressure and the decreased amount of room in your abdomen. The pains most frequently experienced are pelvic and back pain. This would be a great time to ask your partner for a back rub or to invest in a heating pad. Also, don't forget that maintaining good posture, taking exercise and gentle stretching can help, too.Site